Use Enhanced Kernel

Some features of kmesh depend on enhanced kernel (e.g., L7 traffic control in ads mode). To utilize it, you can use openEuler 23.03, which natively supports all features.

You can follow the steps below to use enhanced kernel:

  • Download openEuler 23.03 image on:

  • Install the operation system: Here, we take VMware for example (you can also use other VM management tools).


    Notice that openEuler 23.03’s kernel version is 6.1.19. So you should select 其他 Linux 6.x 内核 64位(Linux 6.x kernel 64bit).

    Then, you can follow the official blog to install it.

  • Install kernel headers: Kmesh determines whether the enhanced kernel is utilized according to some kernel headers(e.g., bpf.h). So, you should install kernel headers by:

    yum install kernel-headers

    Then, you should be able to find the kernel headers in the path /usr/include/linux.

  • Check whether you are ready to use enhanced kernel:

    grep -q "FN(parse_header_msg)" /usr/include/linux/bpf.h && echo "enhanced" || echo "unenhanced"

Now you can follow the deploy and develop guide to explore kmesh’s full features.